Wealth Planning
Have you ever put together a piece of furniture, assembled it, taken a step back to admire what you've built and realized you have a few extra pieces leftover?
The furniture you've assembled looks great, feels pretty sturdy so were those extra pieces really important? How will it hold up over time with these missing pieces?
Wealth planning is no different.
It's building a solid plan without any missing pieces in order to ensure it holds up over time. It is the art of structuring your wealth while building it, preserving it and organizing it in a way that allows you to transfer it to the next generation tax-optimized.
It is made up of investment planning, retirement planning, tax planning, estate planning, risk planning and if applicable business planning strategies.
True wealth planning ensures that all these areas are addressed and revisited regularly in order to ensure that a shift in one area doesn't create a GAP in another area.
Have you asked yourself any of these questions?
How much am I worth today?
If I were to die tomorrow, how will my estate be reduced because of taxes?
Do I have enough money to reach my retirement goals?
How can my estate be distributed to my beneficiaries in the most time and cost efficient manner?
How do I really know what my retirement income needs will be in the future?
What strategies can be put into place to protect me against market risk during my retirement years?
How does my pension really work?
Should I take CPP early?
Are there any U.S tax issues that I should be aware of?
As a business owner, do I have the most efficient corporate structure, business succession and tax planning strategies in place?
Are there any income tax saving strategies, pension planning options, charitable giving strategies, investment holding companies or family trusts vehicles I'm currently not aware of?
Do you know the answers?
Comprehensive Wealth planning ensures that individuals are aware of the substantial and often over-looked planning opportunities that are available to them.
The goal is to help you achieve your personal and family dreams and create peace of mind and confidence!
Our Wealth planning process is a comprehensive GAP Analysis exercise. We are looking for the missing pieces that will complete your plan.
The GAP Analysis grows and protects your wealth. When life changes, money changes and when money changes, life changes.For that reason, your Wealth planning cannot remain static and should be reviewed regularly.
A Wealth Plan addresses
potential GAPS in all these areas

We believe that wealth planning is not just recommending the most appropriate investment solution.We take an approach that goes far beyond investment solutions. Through our multi-disciplinary team, we provide access to a broad range of services and solutions supported by an in-house network of wealth planning experts including; investment analysts, accountants, lawyers and estate planning consultants.
Our objective is always to help you reach your long-term goals and enhance the lives of our clients.
Following a series of careful steps, we ensure that we take the time to understand a client's situation and to provide the best possible solutions. Our Wealth Planning process is comprehensive and personalized. The report we prepare summarizes your personal objectives, highlights the key assumptions used in the analysis and includes recommendations and implementation strategies for each of the functional areas discussed in the wealth plan (retirement, investments, tax planning, risk planning, estate planning, legacy planning, education planning and business tax and succession planning.)
Interested in having a no-obligation discussion on how we can help you address your questions and how our services can assist you? Contact us to arrange a discussion. Experience tells us that the value you will receive from our conversation will be time well spent.