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We Can Help You Plan Your Retirement

We develop retirement strategies for people retiring within the next five years who want to experience peace of mind, confidence, and no regrets about their retirement transition

Find Out How You Can Get A Complimentary Retirement Snapshot & Gap Analysis

Over The Past Twenty Years, We've Helped Hundreds of Families Successfully Retire


Your Customized PLAN will:


  • Model future impact of planning decisions

  • Maximize the use of your wealth

  • Reduce tax costs

  • Provide a road map for the future


Will lead to peace of mind and confidence about your retirement decisions.


Our Retirement Planning Process Makes Sure Your Questions Are Answered.

Questions like:

  • Will I have enough money when I retire?
  • Am I clear about my options for generating income and retirement investing?
  • I'm not sure what after-tax income I can sustain.
  • How should I handle my employer pension plan?
  • Should I take CPP benefits early or defer past age 65?
  • How should I handle my retirement allowance?
  • I'm unsure what returns I need from my retirement portfolio.
  • How well can I  handle inflation, longevity, and market risks?

Three Steps To Retirement Peace of Mind
Includes Complimentary Snapshot Gap & Opportunity Analysis


Step 1 - Schedule A Call

Contact us to schedule a call (phone or Zoom) to learn more about our retirement income planning process and to confirm if you want to get your FREE Retirement Snapshot.


Step 2 - Snapshot Analysis

We deliver your complimentary Retirement Snapshot. The Snapshot identifies problem areas (GAPS) and opportunities to be addressed. This analysis will help you confirm which of our Retirement Income Planning Services best fits your needs.


Step 3 - Your PLAN

You have embarked on our Retirement Planning Process. Our coaching conversations, guidance and your PLAN provides your road map to retirement success!

Take Step One
Schedule a Complimentary Call to Discover How We Can Help You


Kurt & Pamela Martinson

We couldn’t be happier with the level of service and attention we receive from the Humphries

Wealth Group. Shaun and the team are always very responsive, ready to listen, and great at

explaining everything in a professional yet easy-to-understand and engaging manner. Best of

all, Shaun and the team take time to work closely with us to develop a comprehensive plan that

specifically suits our situation and future needs.

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Lionel & Jane Martens

As a young professional I entrusted my investments and future retirement goals to Shaun. Thirty years later I retired at 61. I credit Shaun and his team with the expert coaching and advice to help make that happen. I appreciate Shaun’s steady, interactive, informative and proactive approach. He stays on top of market conditions and trends and always provides clear and well-reasoned  investment options and recommendations. We have navigated together the highs and lows of bull and bear markets. It’s been a great experience with Shaun and his excellent team. 


Myron & Nesta Becker

Shaun Humphries has been our investment advisor since 1994. Over the last 30 years, we have formed a long-term relationship built on trust and friendship. There are several reasons why we have remained with Shaun and his staff at Assante, which include the following: education, providing a plan and keeping it updated, customized portfolio recommendations, and tax planning linked to portfolio strategies. Thank you for all of your assistance, Shaun and Staff!

(We are licensed and work with families in most regions of Canada)

There isn't any reason to lose sleep over your retirement plans, goals and dreams. With over 30 years of experience, Humphries Wealth Group has applied time-tested principles of retirement planning and investing so our families reach their goals. We have coached hundreds of families to a successful retirement and we can coach you to retirement success as well - schedule a call.

Get Hold Of Our FREE Retirement Planning Resource Bundle

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FREE Retirement Planning Resources:

  • The Seven Secrets of Retirement Investing (Video/PDF)

  • Retirement Planning Checklist (Video/PDF)

  • Retirement Planning Tips Sheet (Video/PDF)

  • Strategic Planning for Retirement (Video/PDF)

  • Practicing Retirement (Video/PDF)

  • Pension Questions to Ask (Video/PDF)

  • Harness The Power of Financial Modelling and Coaching (Video/PDF)

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